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Hey guys! With the new Patreon rules , I'm going to avoid posting NSFW images here, instead I'll be posting all the images without crop on my discord server (where you can also watch me draw and sometimes get a sketch for free).

So for those who are not on my server and would like to access it, please contact me. For those who don't have discord or don't want to access my server, I will be providing a link to access the full image!

like this:


Thanks for understanding and for the support as always!!



Dante Sabertooth

Patreon is really going nuts uh? It's been a tough time for artists with all their shit + AI stuff getting more popular. Hope it doesn't affect you too bad mate. You have an incredible work and deserve more respect from platforms like this for what you do


Patreon is being insane. Are you cosnidering moving over to some other site like subscribestar?


Also I got to see this on stream and it was so great to see you working on it! Really fun and cool!! And the end illustration is soooo good!!!!