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Finally back to business with these! Thank you so much to everyone who supported me, it's been a busy as hell couple of months and it's really helped knowing there are so many who enjoy my cartoons.

So, funny story about this: it was not originally what I was working on for this month's thank you post. The original post was meant to be a short animation loop, but as I kept working on it, I kept thinking of ideas to expand it, and eventually decided it would be best as it's own standalone short. So, now there's another short in the works that's almost complete outside of a few new additions that I'll make this week.

Thanks again!




Saw one of your little shorts on YT and I was like yeah I'd definitely rather give money to this than Disney Plus. Looking forward to seeing way more stuff

Tam McGregor

When I saw this, I made the joke to my friend Wikia that he's now canon in Murphy & Mitzi lore loool. This is really awesome!