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Here’s this one on time for Christmas Eve! I’m extremely sorry for the quietness this week, I’ve had a terrible flu the entire past week (not sure if it’s Covid but I’m doing better today)  and have been spending all this time resting up and taking it easy. I will try and be more active soon, and I appreciate those of you giving me patience, privacy, and encouragement so much! I wanted this month to be bigger and hope you liked the couple things I got out :)




My my, I hope you get back to 100% soon friend! As for the picture, it's superbly done I must say. Mitzi hun, it's not wise to stand in front of oncoming traffic. Good on you Murph for rushing in to snatch her out of harm's way. You're a good friend.

Tam McGregor

Hope ya feel better soon, and Merry Christmas!