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Hello everyone!

Just wanted to apologize for this inactivity the last couple weeks. I know it's common to hear at this point, but I've been SUPER busy. Like barely-any-time-for-personal-art busy. And it honestly makes me upset because  I've really been missing working on Murphy & Mitzi, but I've had to take time away from creating/posting on social media for the sake of tending to my other more important responsibilities. But rest assured, I'll be right back soon!

Part of the problem is that I've had trouble focusing when I DO get time for M&M stuff, like I can't solidify my ideas or get things just right before I have to go to sleep or hop onto career stuff. I've done a lot of aimless sketching of new ideas that haven't really evolved much, but sometimes that's an important part of getting back into the groove.

Zoe here represents me at the moment, delicately trying to keep balance of things while also dealing with Murphy & Mitzi.

...Okay nah, not really, I'm actually not angry or anything, lol.

Thank you all though for sticking through this stuff when it happens though. Truly my passion for this stuff hasn't died or anything and I REALLY wanna have a better output, and I seriously appreciate the continued support even when I'm lacking or dragging behind. This series means a lot to me and I wanna keep it going strong!




Hey pal, no need to apologize when life comes first in most cases. Gotta take care of the important things first. I know the feeling in more ways than one, including art. I hope the best for ya, and here's to fruitful future endeavors with New Lennium's daring duo and their handler. Excellent stuff as always :)


Hey man the others are right, you are way too hard on yourself I can't speak for everyone, but no one should be mad at you just because you're trying to live your life Post when you feel like it and remember that your personal needs should always come first Good luck with whatever is going on in your life Love the pic btw Probably not the first time zoe has to deal with that 👍