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Doing the water in this short was a nightmare, but I'm glad it turned out fine!



What's this? A prequel to the last short? When there's no place to surf in the big city, you've gotta take matters into your own hands, and be in your element at home. Just make sure your element isn't water... and that your friend's isn't fire.



I don't know much about animation but I think water is always tricky But well done it looks great Btw I'm new here and just wanna say that I'm glad to finally be able to support you a little bit :)

Tam McGregor

idk if that thumbnail on that particular frame is intentional but it is absolutely a work of art! 😁👍


Thank you so much for your support Mende, I really appreciate it a ton and I hope I can continue to provide some great content for you to see here :)


You're welcome and thank you too :) i'm sure you will But i've also read your post about you dealing with Depression So if it get worse take a break i can wait Your health is more important than getting new content every week