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Hey Everyone,

Some of you may have noticed how quiet I've been, and the lack of posting lately both here and elsewhere, and I feel like I owe you all an explanation/apology for why I haven't really been active.

Truth is: I've been feeling more depressed, burnt-out, and anxious lately and it's kinda made me want to just take a step back. It's a weird feeling, because I haven't really been this way for a prolonged period of time like this before. I haven't done much artwork for the last three weeks at this point, and don't really have any drive to, which is a very strange place to be. It's hard to explain, but I've frequently been very exhausted and feeling "off". I am extremely proud of how far Murphy & Mitzi has come, and am honored to have so many people who support my work. However, I am starting to feel overwhelmed by it all. Three years ago when I started posting stuff with M&M, I never imagined I'd get this far, and I am seriously so grateful! But as someone's who's suffered from social anxiety my entire life, it 's starting to take a toll.

It's made me realize how much time I'm spending online, and using constant work to avoid addressing aspects of my physical and mental health. As I grow and move through life, my priorities are changing. In the early days, I made a short every single week because I wanted to go big or go home. Now, I feel this unending pressure and discomfort trying to keep up. The pressure I feel internally is less like M&M is my own small personal project, and more like it's got the expectations and treatment of a well-established "brand", which I don't really like. I'm just one guy and I feel like I don't even have control of my own project at times. Of course I always wanted it to grow, but I need to recharge and consider my other priorities too.

Rambling aside: please don't worry, I'm not going away! But I am definitely thinking of downsizing things. I am proud of what I've created and it's very dear to me, but right now I'm taking some privacy and me-time. More than likely, what I am going to do is finish out the backlog of content I have completed, and then think about where to go from there.


For those of you who might feel the need, I would not blame you if you wanted to suspend payment for this month or next month since there hasn't been content. I can't really say when the posts will start coming again, but I hope to be back on track soon. My apologies for waiting this long to say. As a bit of an apology, I've included some stuff that may or may not ever get finished. There are captions included with each image.




Oh yeah! Speaking of stuff that's been left unfinished are you ever gonna update those character bios or make new ones? IIRC it's been like, a year since you uploaded the last batch and some things may have changed since then.