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Yeah just something small to tide you over, gonna be showing a lot of new stuff coming soon!

I've got two animations in the works, and of course the other new character designs.

Also, just as a heads up, I am starting a new job later this month, but I'm hoping that it won't affect my output too badly, it's basically the same as what I've been doing, but more advanced. Thank you all for your patience! I will preview some behind the scenes stuff very soon for those of you in those tiers.


Murphy & Mitzi // Spinning...Again

Yeah I already did this same video last year, but I figured since I updated the character designs, I might as well drop the new turnarounds in here and update it, since it was super easy. Also this channel has seen so little uploads recently I felt like something was better than nothing. Don't worry though, new stuff is coming soon!


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