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Honestly I just wanted to prove that I HAVE been working on these. I'm just still making adjustments to the text and stuff, but rest assured that they ARE nearing completion.

You can even see new characters like Murphy's Grandma and Mitzi's Grandpa.

Seriously I wanna finish these so bad. This isn't even all of the characters I wanna get done tbh.




I'm having trouble remembering who Maxine is


She's new! She's Murphy's grandmother, but she hasn't shown up at all yet. There are plenty of characters I have that have yet to appear.


Dang Murphy's grandma must have some crazy secret to staying youthful I can see where Delia got her looks from lol These look like they will be fun to read through ^^


Heheheh thanks! Fun fact: Murphy's grandma is actually his dad's mother. Murphy is continually confused as to how his lame, boring dad came from such a cool grandmother.


Ooooh ok ok well still she still looks nice and cool lol and I would be confused as well haha maybe it's grandpa's fault lmao