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You guys have all been so patient with me lately, and I can't thank you enough. As a special treat, I am releasing my next cartoon a day early for you Patrons.

It'll be posted officially sometime tomorrow.

Then, I promise, I will finally finish the other stuff I've been teasing, lol. So sorry it's taken so long, but I appreciate you guys hanging in there with me.


Murphy & Mitzi // SkateBowling



So awesome! I think my favorite part was Mitzi on top of the ball return, putting her head almost completely inside to watch for Murphy. Little actions like that can really add to characters' charm.


In fact, if Mitzi were wiggling her bottom/tail in anticipation too, I think that could make it even more fun :) But that's just a thought. I know you don't plan on changing it now that it's done. It still looks great! 👍


Lol yeah, I was really excited to add that part, It's so something she'd do with her impulsive, overly friendly nature.


Oooh, this is actually a really good suggestion. If I've got time tomorrow maayyyybe I'll add it in, it shouldn't take that long.