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It's time for an end-of-month update! Wanted to make it special with some old character sketches I dig up on my PC, these ones details some "important milestones" in their designs.

Anyway, it's a good thing I took a break, because this month ended up being one of the busiest work months for me in quite some time.

BUT- I have started working on another Murphy & Mitzi short! Hopefully it'll be ready pretty soon, I really wanna get a new one out near the beginning of July. If everything goes correctly, I should be back to semi-regular posting soon. My inspiration is coming back and I really wanna work on some more stuff. Of course, my freelance job comes first, but it should be waning down in terms of workload. Hand pain is being managed, apart from the huge workload I've been dealing with. But I'm figuring out how NOT to strain myself enough to plan working on M&M stuff.

As a heads up, the monthly Patreon artwork may be slightly delayed, I have had basically no time to do personal art the last week or two. I've been working weekends and haven't started it yet, but I've got the idea all ready to start very soon. It'll hopefully be ready within the next week or so.

Thank you all for your patience, I really want to deliver more cat n' squirrel goodness.



Seabridge Drive

"...these Sonic-like pupils" I wonder where you get your inspiration from ; 3 (Also, I do love the idea of Murphy wearing headphones, would he still be the type to enjoy listening to music?)


I mean Sonic IS a huge inspiration for me, haha. I switched to larger pupils because they're a little more "2000s cartoon" style, and just felt friendlier. If Murphy is out skating on his own, I imagine he's got multiple volumes of "badass music" CDs he personally burned from illegal music downloads online.


I'd say more punk rock and big beat style stuff like Fatboy Slim. Anything that sounds like it belongs in a Tony Hawk or Jet Set Radio game.

Tam McGregor

These are sooo sick (in a good way of course lol)


Thanks! I'll have to look through some of my old sketch books sometime. I know there are older sketches than this where they look way different.