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Hey remember that character I have who I really like but never use? Well if you don't, she only showed up in like two shorts and I never had an idea of how to use her again.

Good ol' Doe Remi (Roxanne Roe is her real name) is one of those characters who hasn't really had a lot of screen time but is nonetheless one I think about a lot.

I figured it was finally time to update her design a bit since my other characters have changed significantly since 2019, and new characters have been invented as well.

See, Doe Remi is supposed to be around 22 years old, and her first design was a little too short and stubby. A lot of people assumed she was the same age as Murphy & Mitzi, but she's actually supposed to be a struggling musician trying to make it in the big city all on her own. She works at a music store and drops homemade CDs of her music into people's bags when they leave in an attempt to make it big. But, more of those details will be revealed in due time (those character descriptions I started a year ago but never seem to be done with).

Fathers Day post likely coming up as well! Much like with Mother's Day, it's a comic and I'm hoping I can get it done on time. If not, here's the start for you to see just in case it never gets done.



Seabridge Drive

I dig her update; she definitely gives off those young adult vibes. How close is she to the main cast?


Yo! I've been wondering when Roxanne would come back. I was honestly worried you'd forgotten about her.


She's more of a side character than anything, they run into each other from time to time at the record store, and M&M see her perform sometimes, but they don't know each other too well.


I never forgot, I just had trouble thinking of ways to use her, heh heh. It's tough wanting to keep inventing characters when you don't have a ton of ideas for them. But I've been trying to think of ways to bring her back.