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Hey all!

Here's the top tier vid I just posted, but it's on YouTube in better quality.

As I had mentioned in my posts on Twitter and Instagram, my hiatus will likely continue at least through this month, with some small content in-between. Probably no animations, but some small illustrated content at best.

I will try to update more here just to have some content for those paying for it, but I think I mentioned before that would not take it personally if anyone wanted to cancel their pledge if there's a lack of content. I totally get it.

Along with my responsibilities and health, I have just been feeling a general lack of passion for posting online recently. Of course, these things happen to artists all the time, and I'm sure I will be back at it again very soon, I'm just in a burnt-out state where I need to get offline and try other things for a little bit.

I can't believe I kept the posting streak that I was keeping, to be honest. Very proud of the work I've done on Murphy and Mitzi so far. I guess you can consider the entire last year of animations "Season 1", if that makes sense.


Patreon May 2021- Rollin'


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