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Sorry for the lack of activity here, been busy with a new freelance job.

The good news is that I am feeling much better! My hand is only in pain sometimes now. So, I've been working on some small stuff that may or may not get finished soon.

-Goth Zoe. This is from a small comic addressing her other part time job working at Hot Topic. She's not really goth, it's just what you have to wear as an employee.

-Mother's Day illustration. Who knows if this'll get done. Basically they're having an argument about which one has the worse kid.




Looks good


Goth Zoe looks super cute it's a good look for her even if she isn't goth,the kids with their moms are also pretty cute! <3


Maybe she secretly likes the goth look. Why else would she work at Hot Topic?


would definitely help Murphy and Mitzi through their edgy goth teen phase if that's the case lol


Gosh I can't even imagine Mitzi having an edgy phase. Murphy would absolutely have an "everything sucks" phase lol


Oh neither do I I just imagine she follows Murphy into the trend and doesn't take it seriously at all and makes dumb emo/goth jokes lol (would probably just last like a day or something for her lol)


Oh absolutely, I think she'd mostly just like the clothes and try to say edgy things, but none of the things she'd say would be that edgy,