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Felt like it was time to share some more old art of Murphy and Mitzi!

Some of these I posted waaaaaayyy back in 2019, but a few of these are poses I never actually shared publicly. This is back then Murphy and Mitzi still had nasty greyish colors, paw pads, and wildly inconsistent line weights.

Yet another reminder that art styles develop over time, I guess. I'm looking back at these questioning what the hell I was even thinking, but they were necessary steps to get to where the series is now.

Hoping to get back into drawing soon! Still on a bit of a break due to hand pain, but there's still a small backlog of new art I've yet to post.




While the style has definitely seen a huge upgrade since this was originally drawn I still think this and some of the other older iterations of the art style/designs had a very nice charm to them


Oh, totally. It's nice to look back on. Kinda like when a cartoon goes on for like 8 seasons and looks completely different by the end.