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I finished it! An hour or two later than usual, but it was just sound work that took me so long.

Now as a bit of a heads up, I may be taking a brief hiatus from animating for a couple of weeks.

I've basically been animating non-stop since Covid-19 started. As a result, I am actually starting to feel a bit of light hand pain, and feel like it's about time I took a small break. My actual job is also getting a little bit more demanding of my time, spring is starting, and I'm honestly feeling a bit anxious and burnt out by social media.

In any case, I will attempt to keep some things coming, I've been working on new character bios for a comically long time now (I started them last July), and want to wrap them up soon. Those only require that I type and design stuff, most of the art is already finished. The last time I published bios was in January 2020, and it's safe to say the characters have changed a little bit since then. Murphy didn't even have a skateboard back then lol.

I also have a backlog of small illustrations, including a comic, that are already done barring some tiny elements. I appreciate everyone's patience in advance. I've gotten a nice boost in Patrons this month, and I do not want to let you down. There will of course still be a monthly Patron post as well.

I really am so thankful for all of your support!


Murphy & Mitzi // Float Like A [bunny]

Almost effortlessly, [bunny] floats above one of New Lennium City's many sidewalk ventilation grates, impressing all who pass by. -- While it may look like she's flying, it's really just the power of fresh(?) subway train air keeping her afloat. I think science works that way.



Don’t push yourself, dummy. Take all the time you need. And if you ever need help with sound design, I’m here to help 😁


I don't know if the problem was pushing myself, or the fact that I have absolutely no other hobbies. Either way, I appreciate it!