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Something I like to do at the beginning of every year is to clean out my hard drive to make space. Often times, I'll run across stuff I don't even remember saving. In this case, it's stuff I drew but never ended up finishing or posting for whatever reason. So, here are 4 pieces of artwork I'll probably never post on my public accounts!

1-This "cool" high-tech Murphy. I actually still like this one, but just never got around to finishing it. Perhaps I'll do that someday, but  I wanted to at least show you all.

2- "Art Style Bend" was trending on Twitter at some point last summer, and I wanted to participate, but in the end just fell behind and kind of hated it. I was attempting to go for a more shaded, detailed Disney approach for this sketch.

3- Mitzi from a comic that I can't even remember the punchline of. To be honest, I probably just abandoned it because I sort of hate doing layout from comic panels. I got one panel in before I decided I wasn't having any fun.

4- Horrible sketch of funny expressions. If you've ever wondered how I warm up before drawing, or how I draw when I'm just sketching, this is a pretty good idea of what you'd see.

I'm going to do more digging soon to see what other stuff is there, but I thought it would be fun to share these.




I think you should use that first one for something, mabye like a game magazine cover he won a contest to be on or something.


I'd really like to use it for something still. I'd probably redraw it though, at this point his design is a little different. Plus I'd want to make a Mitzi to go with it.


I love how the first one looks like Murphy with all of the upgrades from Sonic Adventure 2!


Totally, lol! I should have mentioned this, but much of it is based on this...bizarre artwork of a "human Sonic" by Yuji Uekawa: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ddca51b8-a1e8-47b0-ab7e-135bf7cf75e7