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後來證實 LEC 係簽約前已經知道:"Obviously these kind of deals are not finalised overnight.

"So, it takes time, of course. I was aware of those discussions before signing my deal."

同時證實,SAI 都係近來先知,「幾個禮拜」前先被通知:"From my side, you can obviously understand that I got to know the news a bit earlier than anyone else.

"But it's true that then I had some weeks to reflect, some weeks to prepare and some weeks to also get ready for the car launch, for the first race of the season.

"So it gives you a bit of time to digest it, to take your own conclusions and to focus on the 2024 season there is ahead."




諗起季中咸嘅團隊 & Christian Horner風波


好似由announce果日個個都忘記晒Perez其實嚟緊2025無約喺手,佢過到去Mercedes又可以繼續做二佬幫Russell做一哥 嚟緊好多嘢睇🤩🤩 不過呢單嘢Toto都頭痕,都要忘下自家青訓Vesti又派唔派得上用場,定係比Mick再試下呢,定又係搵返Bottas返嚟呢,喺車手市場上面今年真係好多花生食 但調返轉咁講,呢單嘢喺季前放出嚟,Toto有半季時間去睇邊個車手有潛力,再慢慢攞返個主導權去搵車手傾有利自己車隊嘅合約😌


我記得架,but then again, it's for Checo to lose the seat haha, if he can be the perfect #2, he is safe. If not, then it's another story.