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人人都係新人。有句嘢用嚟提自己幾好 —— Once A Rookie Always A Rookie,唔好「old seafood」,盡量維持初心。

半世紀前嘅一月,F1 新人 James Hunt 正式開始鬥足全季比賽。我唔知新人有無金句提自己,但根據 F1 車隊贊助經理 Peter Windsor 喺《F1 Racing》二〇一三年八月號講,James 係特別憎一種 F1 車手嘅。

James 話:「That's an unforgettable sin!」

乜嘢係唔可以原諒嘅罪呢❓原來,James 唔特別鍾意意大利前 F1 車手 Riccardo Patrese(圖下)。Windsor 引述 James 話 Patrese 淨係「要傾合約嗰陣,先會出全力(”Riccardo, to James’ mind, gave his best only when contract time came calling”)」。

James 認為,落得場比賽,就要出盡一百分力。「Always。Any driver who responds to incentives shouldn’t be in the business。」不過,值得一提嘅係 James 一直責怪 Patrese 同瑞典 F1 車手 Ronnie Peterson 一九七八年戰死沙場有關。

不過咁,當佢欣賞一個人嘅時候, James 似乎又會惺惺相惜、甚至唔介意介紹埋佢入行。江湖傳聞,當年韋侖諾夫(Gilles Villeneuve,下圖)鬥 F1、或多或少就係因為 James 嘅介紹。

「即使鬥緊 F1,James 都勁鍾意去鬥加拿大 Formula Atlanta 嘅 Circuit Trois-Rivières 街道賽(丹按:北美歷史最悠久之一)。Hunt 喺街場跟住 Gilles 跑,就見識到佢嘅『wall-kissing balance』。

「跟住 James 同 Patrick Tambay 就鼓勵麥拿侖俾韋侖諾夫試車,而麥拿侖亦真係俾佢試。呢個就係典型嘅 James。從佢嘅角度嚟睇,why not❓韋侖諾夫明顯係好車手。」唔通就好似「韋少」Max Verstappen 推薦迪維斯(Nyck de Vries)入 AlphaTauri 咁?

資深車迷 patron 上篇留言話:「James 比較直來直往」。似乎,James 真係個愛恨分明嘅人。咁佢手車呢❓

James 第一次 F1 贏車係一九七五年荷蘭 Zandvoort 站。呢場車,可以話係 James 能力嘅最佳示範。佢係第一個車手、喺仲跣嘅賽道換光頭胎,之後揸住架 Hesketh 舞龍咁舞。架 Hesketh 喺快彎有少少推頭, 佢就喺快彎賺最多時間、兼且用盡場上塞緊嘅慢車。最後,贏咗。相反,Niki Lauda 就係嗰場其中一個最遲換走條「水胎」嘅。

如果 James 係「直來直往」嘅藝術家,咁 Niki 會唔會就係邏輯先行嘅科學家呢❓

第三季《一日一F1》都係 30 篇。如果有興趣重讀前兩季另外 60 篇嘅話,㩒下面個 tag 或者 content search:一日一F1。


Niki Lauda on James Hunt

Niki Lauda shares some of his most memorable moments of befriending, competing against and supporting his former Formula 1 rival, James Hunt, including living with him in a London flat and supporting Hunt through his battle with alcoholism. Want to see more? SUBSCRIBE to watch the latest interviews: http://bit.ly/1R1Fd6w Episode debuted nationwide in 2017. Watch full episodes each week on TV stations across the country. Find the airing time and channel for your city: http://www.grahambensinger.com/index.php/when-where-watch Connect with Graham: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GrahamBensinger TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GrahamBensinger INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/grahambensinger WEBSITE: http://www.grahambensinger.com/


Edward Wong
