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雪藏,遠在天邊,近在眼前 👀。

二〇二〇年十月二十一日月約英國時間中午 🇬🇧,奧斯爾在個人 twitter 發表「被雪藏」聲明(圖),有少許經歷的我嘗試從 一)奧斯爾個人 twitter 聲明,二)領隊阿迪達其後在阿仙奴官方網站的回應,暫放下其他前因,來看看這雪藏事件の脈絡。



1)"tried to remain positive from week to week that there's maybe a chance to get back in the squad soon again. That's why I kept silent so far." —— 原來他一直沒就被雪藏事件而發聲,就是等待那微乎其微、在阿仙奴還有波踢的希望終於爆破的此刻。

2)"new coach Mikel Arteta  - we've been on a positive way", "my performance", "really good level", "things changed, again", "not (no) longer allowed to play football for Arsenal"  —— 意指從奧斯爾的角度,雪藏跟表現無關。

3)最後,"I will continue to train as best as I can and wherever possible use my voice against inhumanity and for justice"(圖) —— 由於還有合約,他仍是受薪球員,球隊官方既沒明言雪藏,卻又絕不解釋,因此奧斯爾在聲明留條尾巴:我會繼續努力訓練 ⚽️,並盡我所能為不人道事件與公義發聲 👊👊。

阿迪達在阿仙奴官方網站又怎回應呢 🤨❓

1)"just a footballing decision", "my conscience is very calm", "because I was very fair with him" —— 天下間少有一事的發生,只是因為一個原因,這裡卻給我們遇上。謝蒼天!謝上主!要感恩 ❤️!

2)"I've failed because I want the best possible Mesut for the team", "it's my decision", "if someone has to blame me, it's my responsibility", "make the decision to get the best possible squad out there to win", "believe me that there is nothing to do with the board, owners or anything like it" —— 阿迪達一個攬上身,不失為一條有膊頭的漢字 👨👍,香港人眼前好多 PK 受人錢財唔一定替人消災㗎。

3)"but as I said, i'd rather have those difficult conversations face to face, explain the reasons why, and see how things change with time" —— 阿迪達被問及有否面對面跟奧斯爾說時的回答,從字面看來,他沒正面回答(頭盔:我只看了上述兩文)。

阿迪達回應來源 👉 https://www.arsenal.com/news/arteta-mesut-ozils-squad-omission

和你評 📣:此等雪藏事件,若我們只看寫、講了甚麼,那就變得之乎者也。看人家寫、講甚麼外,還要看沒寫、沒講甚麼。你認為奧斯爾全文,重點是甚麼❓對我來說,就是最後那句「盡我所能為不人道事件與公義發聲」。因為這引發政治聯想。

阿仙奴官網的「邦民」阿迪達回應呢❓隻字不涉「不人道事件與公義」。若要釋除疑慮,阿仙奴大可 categorically deny(絕對否認)奧斯爾是因撐維族人而被雪藏。何以不排除這可能呢❓因為此話說不得,說了便是大話。所以,阿迪達話說一半。「只是足球」。你自己完成那半圓。阿迪達算有良知,不像亞洲某世界城市(World City)官員般睜大眼、兜口兜面講大話。阿仙奴何以不回應這個看來頗為重的重點呢❓何以繼續不提在「不人道事件與公義」的立場呢❓何以只提體育呢 ⚽️❓奧運歷史學家 Jules Boykoff 說,堅持「體育不談政治」的其中一個好處,就是可以專心搵錢 💰💰💰。


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