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 I'm gonna be fully honest I've been struggling mentally and physically alot lately, this year has been rather taxing on my body in terms of medical stuff like appointments and trying to fix myself (nothing bad but it's still tiring) as well as busy life stuff like trying to fix/clean a hoarders house and keep on top of it as well as balancing social life, work and my own mental health.

 It's also been a real struggle for me to find that motivation and time to draw too, ideas come to me but i'm either too tired, busy trying to do life stuff or make money to even start them. I will keep trying to push through this hence why I've been working on my comic for the last couple of months which I hope to line and post very soon. I've been trying to minimise the amount of work I do without burning myself out completely since I still need to make money, interest seems 50/50 so I'm gonna try and open for wing-it or sketch commissions at some point soon to see if that'll work.

  But it's all been so overwhelming and exhausting for me but I seriously appreciate those that have stuck by me lately and supported me on here, it greatly helps me and it's nice to still have some connection to the community with you guys since I've been feeling kinda forgotten lately which could just be due to people becoming less chatty and my mind being mean but still I really do appreciate you all and the support you give.

 I'm hoping that with some steady pacing and careful planning I can slowly bring my energy back, and like I said start finally posting these comic pages I'm very excited to share this story with you and yes it will have TF tropes in it~ I also want to branch back into other interests like goo/latex, pooltoy, WaM, bondage,etc like I did years ago which may help with this art block and also finish that choose Drake's TF thing I started it's just finding energy and time. In the meantime I'll just try my best to make sure I'm giving you good money-worth content on here when I can.

Thank you all <3



Sorry sweetie. I think you're wonderful and I hope you get your energy back soon. Maybe branching back into your other interests will help. I'd like to seem em :)

Truttle Bear

I certainly know the feeling of life and work sapping your energy. I hope you can work it out and find a little more rest time for yourself. Good luck hun.