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Two months in a row, huh? That's new.

Once again, I wasn't able to find any time to work on TiP. I mean, I did make some progress, but uhh... not nearly as much as I thought I would. Soooo...

Once again, apologies for the delay.
I would say something like 'It'll be done by the first week of June for sure!' but I don't really have the cleanest record when it comes to this.
B-But I swear, as soon as I'm done with everything else, it's over for you guys!

...please bear with me for just a little longer. I'll be back soon.

Thank you for your patience.




Honestly the quality is worth the wait, especially if the next chapter is action packed and has some more spicy scenes in it!

Stuart Gannon

As long as you don't disappear, I can wait as long as needed!