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Eyyy how's it going? Missed me?
Soo... I'm back from my vacation. Have been for a while, actually! I've finished the update!

...aaand I just remembered I was supposed to post the new character polls after 0.7.3 went public. My memory is as sharp as ever.

Anyway, here we are:

The winners of the 0.8.0 character polls, as you can guess from the image above, are Iris & Lucy!

Sooo... yeah. The next few updates will be mostly about them!
I'll also squeeze in some content with the previous winners that didn't get too much content yet.

The next set of polls will be out shortly after this post, so look out for that!

I'm thinking of changing things up a little for the polls this time. I'm kinda curious about who you guys like the most, now that the story has somewhat picked up it's pace...
So, both polls will have all characters this time!
Buuut If the same character wins both polls... uhhh... well, I dunno what I'll do if that happens. I'll figure something out.

Aaaanyway, moving on:

Most of the upcoming updates for a while now will be long bois. Aaaand since I'm already failing to put out 3 updates every month, let's just make it official:

Starting with 0.7.6, updates will be released on the 1st and 16th of every month!
Uhh... according to my timezone, at least. That might mean 2nd and 17th for some of you. Or I guess it could also mean 30th/31st and 15th. I dunno, man. Timezones are confusing.

Let's see... what else? Oh yeah, the update.
0.7.6 is being uploaded as I type. It should be up in like an hour or two.

...yep, that's all I've got for this post. 

Oh, and once again, thanks for bearing with me while I was gone. The vacation helped more than I thought it would. I'm back now, and probably won't be going anywhere for a long time.

See ya when the update drops! 



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