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The cum and so the scene are reaching its logical end. And so here we are: after being banged by 1.2M players solely on itch our naughty wolfie Naira finally got impregnated. We’re sure she’ll be a good mother.

However wait, it’s the first scene in the game, the story can’t end with pregnancy at the first quest…

PS: this frame will be paired with the main scene angle, so you can enjoy her satisfied eye at the moment your cells penetrate her egg.




Well I enjoy no instant pregnancy results. One can always code it to show belly changes after certain quests have been completed.


I'd also like to see belly changes and maybe she takes no notice till a few quests pass


I find the idea of the other commenters logical, but the scene isn't logical, like, at all. When a sperm merges with the egg, the freshly fertilised zygote strengthens its wall to prevent producing genetic defects like Darwin's Sydrome because of the unnecessary chromosomes a secondary sperm would produce.


Sorry, it's just that I have a kink for realistic impregnation. But because the designs are cute and hot, I can withdraw everything I said.


hmmm... perhaps give the players a 'moral compass' with this. You Continue to play the game with other girls, she doesn't keep the baby(takes a herb or spice that can cause fetus deletus.. like saffron) Or if you play to get with her (like any chad would) she keeps it? Idk would suck to put this all to waste for it to not have any affect on the story later on? Unless yall got something planned lol