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Elliott Scott

Been waiting for this one and it doesn’t disappoint! 👌Those heels are divine, I think you predicted a purple gym leader with open toe heels when you did that fantina request lol 😂


The scale is of such quality!


Absolutely love this premise!


Thanks. I wanted to do something grand for the most attractive gym leader this cycle.


Love how sexy she looks in your style!

Anthony Cremers

Tulip is a beauty fetishist i see but according to his other job: Model i can easily understand she want reach the perfetion (cuz when i have a goal i wish reaching the perfection too). Being under her toes should be not that bad but she'll crush me like a pile of filths. Now you did every female characters from cVi (whoops i forgot Poppy and Ryme with Eri, Tyme and Mora) what'll your next Step ? Jojo's bizarre adventures cuz i have some ideas: Yukako Yamagishi and Reimi Sugimoto


I never really got into Jojo. So I can't say that's my next theme for a batch of content. I still have some more Pokemon characters to do but after that, I'll have to give it some thought as to what's next.

Tiny Scribe J

These Pokemon pieces of yours are really killing it. Based on who you've dne so far, can I guess that the "totally" not evil history teacher Raifort is coming up soon?