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Because of what had happened on Earth, I had to completely shift my priorities. The twins understood that my world was important to me and didn’t mind me leaving the Second Floor Exploration for a week from now, as I quickly grabbed everyone, placing them inside my Inner Realm, and quickly left the Tower’s First Floor, arriving back to my home world, Earth.

About the villagers, I left the reinforced, new barrier I had created just recently—a new and enhanced form I used to power the barrier surrounding New York. I also left Doppelgangers there, so the ones that had just slain the Primal King disappeared so they could all get the power back over there.

As for the gods, I had thought about leaving them behind, but after a quick talk with Leviathan and his Divine Spirit Guardians, we agreed that he would personally oversee Nexus City and the beast people’s village, so if anything happened, he would defend them personally.

So, with that taken care of, I came back to my planet, the one I’ve been relentlessly protecting all this time, even when I wasn’t even present the moment I entered the tower. On the way, I saw the Primal King dying against my Doppelgangers, which I swiftly dispelled afterward; they cost quite a hefty sum of Primordial Energies after all. I never thought I would be forced to use my strongest Martial Arts Techniques to get rid of that bastard; it truly seems like there might eventually be entities out there that will match my power.

And it is quite obvious that the Gods are a big candidate for that. The Gods of these lower floors might be all weaklings, but as we get to higher Floors, I am beginning to think they will only become stronger, ultimately becoming capable of matching my strength or perhaps possessing a comprehension of their own divinities to the point they can somewhat compare to mine.

As someone who struggled to survive for eleven thousand years, I never underestimated my foes, and I always prepared ahead of time, sometimes almost paranoically. But it was all for my survival.

I need to get stronger if I’ll ever confront them, especially a god such as the “Grandfather of Time,” who seems capable of opening portals to not just other worlds but parallel worlds from different timelines altogether—a power not even I can conjure.

Why? Because it’s a combination of both Space Dao and Time Dao whose comprehension has reached the maximum level, he’s only one step closer to becoming one with the Cosmos at that level.

Could there be Gods in the Tower that are already comparable to the Immemorial Void Realm?

The possibility terrifies me, honestly.

I need to get to that Realm first, whatever the cost.

But for now, I suppose it is time for some rest. We’ve done enough; everyone worked hard; they survived; everyone did, and I made sure that such a thing was possible.

The invaders of what I’ll call “Primal Earth” or "Prehistoric World" were eliminated; the Primal Dinosaurs and Primal Cavemen were incredibly formidable but had no magical powers or skills, only sheer physical prowess and superhuman abilities that surged from their bodies.

Their Levels were high, despite their world not being integrated with the System yet. This means that they were slowly being integrated. I could tell that as I fought the Primal King, the more we fought, the stronger he became. The System was helping him become stronger by giving him Skills.

If I let that monster continue growing, he might have one day surpassed me in physical abilities, and that’s something I couldn’t let happen. The Chimera was also destroyed; that thing and the Primal King were most likely the strongest beings in their worlds, as it showed in their levels.

I imagine they were given such high levels because it was the system assimilating them with their strength included maybe something similar would have happened to me if it wasn’t because the system was unable to calculate my power.

But I suppose that when they assimilate incredibly strong beings, they calculate their power ahead of time and assign a level comparable to their actual strength, interestingly enough.

Well, that’s only my theory, though.

I managed to save Yanisse from falling, though, which was a very dangerous move. She possessed Ki now and had merged it seamlessly with her Void Essence but ended up overdoing it just to defeat all enemies and end this once and for all.

I admire her bravery and strength, but like many of the humans here, she’s very reckless. I suppose it is part of our nature to be reckless. Maybe it is something we have over others—the adrenaline that flows through our bloodstream as we find ourselves surrounded and fighting against all odds.

It might be seen as a virtue of humans—one last stand, a last remnant of our primal instincts, of the past we once had. Seeing all these cavemen and dinosaurs made me think of how far we’ve evolved, and it also made me wonder what sort of world these barbarians came from.

Luckily, not all of them were brutish monsters; two groups of people had appeared, completely different from the brutes, who willingly fought them and helped the other hunters defeat the chimera.

We’ll meet soon, though, as of now, I had proposed something to Yanisse after she kissed my cheek as a show of gratitude for saving her, I assumed.

“Will you join my sect?”


She seemed eager to hear my question, but once I asked her, she became... paralyzed. Her blushing face quickly cooled down, and she went back to her usual, expressionless face.

“Sect? What do you mean by sect, Bing Xue?” She wondered. “Like an evil cult?!”

“N-No, that’s not it!” I sighed. “I guess Earth doesn’t have this concept right now, or it is often confused with another, huh? Well, in a way, a Sect could be considered both a Family, a Guild, a Company, and even a Country or Kingdom. A combination of all of them.”

“What?” She asked. “You’re… building such an organization?!”

“Yes, I’ve already decided that I would.” I nodded. “I can’t simply leave my people here to despair and be saved by me all the time. I was doubtful at first, uncertain of whether I should step in or not. But after everything I’ve experienced, I’ve made my decision.”

“I’m listening…” Yanisse seemed interested.

“I will recreate the Heavenly Court I once founded back in Murim, a large organization, a Divine Sect that will be in charge of order and justice,” I explained. “We will protect Earth with it, a large organization of Elites and countless talented disciples, and I will personally teach the ways of Cultivating the Heavenly Dao.”

Yanisse nodded.

“I will offer resources, accommodations, training grounds, philosophy, challenges, and everything necessary for people to become stronger.” I continued explaining. “And in exchange, the sect members will offer me their eternal loyalty to help me protect Earth... and also the worlds I will begin to liberate. I already did that in Eclipse; I killed both of their gods, freed the world from the churches and evil cults controlling everything, and made of Eclipse a world with freedom, away from the clutches of their Divinities.”

“Y-You did that?!” Yanisse gasped. “Y-You killed… Gods themselves?”

“And I’ve also become one myself.” I showed her my Divinity, as Yanisse gasped, stepping back in shock. “I will become the Guardian of Earth, but I’ll need help. You and other Elites, I will try to recruit all of them. An assembly of Earth’s strongest warriors, I will call it the Heavenly Guardian Table.”

“T-That’s amazing!” She said. “Hahah, but that name is a bit wonky…”

“E-Eh? It’s not good? But I thought it would sound good and intimidating!” I said.

“You have good ideas and are strong, but you’ve got a terrible naming sense, Bing Xue! Haha.” Yanisse laughed for the first time I’ve ever seen her. “I am still surprised you ever thought about all of this... And you killed the gods. Actually, I am not that shocked about it; there were speculations that you did it. Some people already on the internet began to say that you were as strong as the Gods.”

“Well, I don’t know what to say. I suppose… that’s a relief. Haha,” I giggled. “I will get into more details later. So, would you join?”

“I… I am still thinking about it,” Yanisse sighed. “You see, I have a contract with this country; I cannot really join any guild or organization, and I must always cooperate with the military.”

“What? What kind of strange contract is that?” I asked.

“It is so I could become kind of a guardian of North America. In exchange, they provide food, money, and other resources to my country, Russia.” She explained. “Sorry, but I think I might not be able to join.”

“Hmmm, so the whole problem is because of this contract?” I wondered. “If that contract was abolished, would you join?”

“I… I think so, yes.” She nodded. “Wait, what are you thinking about? That face you’re making…”

“Hm, what face?” I smiled. “This is just how I smile. I remember I made a good friend, the Prime Minister of America, that old man… Maybe I should visit him soon.”

“Y-You’re friends with the Prime Minister? Right, I do remember you having an interaction with him. They had summoned me to oversee that, but when I arrived, you were already done.” Yanisse said. “Amongst the three World Class Hunters before your arrival, I’m the only one chained like this because I want to protect my country, but if you could somehow help me... But I wouldn’t know how to ever repay you.”

“Don’t worry, you can think about that once I do it.” I smiled. “Now that I’m really hungry, shall we go back to our home? New York might be a hellhole, but it's still better than the wastelands over here.”

“Right… Let’s go then.” She nodded.

I didn’t realize we were holding hands this entire time, I mostly did this to help her move, because she looked very tired.

But as I held her hand, her coldness slowly warmed up, and it felt nice.

Yanisse had very soft, beautiful hands.

She was really a beautiful maiden worth protecting.

“B-Bing Xue, you don’t need to hold my hands all the time…” She muttered while blushing.

“O-Oh, haha, my bad!” I let go of her after a while.

Once we moved across the forest, we reached the group that was fighting the chimera, and we met with all the Guild Masters and the two Tribes of Cavemen that helped us. There were the charcoal-skinned, red-haired muscular giants, and the tall, lean, brown-skinned, and white-haired people with big, hawk-like eyes.

“Bing Xue, Yanisse! I’m so happy to see you two!” Nicholas was the first to greet us, rushing to us.

“Hello Nicholas, I passed out for a little while, but Bing Xue helped me, thankfully.” Yanisse greeted him. “Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah, is everyone alright?” I asked.

“Yes, everyone is fine, thanks to you two… Once more, we owe our victory and survival to you, Bing Xue, and Yanisse as well…” Nicholas sighed. “T-Thank you so much…”

“It’s fine, young man,” I patted his shoulders. “Let us return to New York at once. Can we host a meeting with the guild masters? I need to talk with everyone.”

“Wait, really? O-Okay!” Nicholas nodded.

The Guild Masters, after finally seeing me in person, ran towards me.

“Bing Xue! Did you see that?! I used the power you gifted me! Was I strong? Did I surprise you? Am I worthy?” Asked Aiyana, the muscular warrior.

“It is an honor to meet you in person this time! I am John, the Guild Master of the Justice Guild!” A young blonde man, who would be considered handsome, I suppose, greeted me as well.

“Auntie Bing Xue! Can we practice more of that Magic fused with your energies? I want to discover how far I can bring my magic!” Francisco, the youngest of them all, greeted me; he was an energetic and adorable boy.

“Do you want to have a coffee?” Jackes asked me directly for a coffee. “I know a place.”

“Hey you four, get back! Stop stressing, Bing Xue! Don’t you think you’re being a bit too overbearing now?” Nicholas stopped them. “Let’s go back to the city; there’s still many things we need to take care of. She also called for a meeting with all of us at the Hunter Association, so you’ll get your chance for introductions and more once we get there. Now, let’s go.”

With Nicholas leading, the Guild Masters calmed down and stepped back as we moved back to New York.

It was finally time to announce to the world my new project.

The recreation of the Heavenly Court.



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