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[Primal Dinosaurus Chimera King: Lv6162]

A giant monstrosity that resembled the combination of many dinosaurs together into a chimeric aberration, the Primal Dinosaurus Chimera King could be said to be the strongest Scaled Lord of the Prehistoric World, which would have terrorized the tribes for eons if it wasn’t because the Primal King had beaten it and tamed it long ago.

Since then, it had become the source of power and respect amongst the entire tribe of Brutes, who continuously expanded their territory across the Emerald Jungles, where the continent of North America was located.

However, once the “Wounds between Space and Time” opened within their world, this creature was dragged away from its inhabitants to the depths of a gigantic volcano, where it rested alongside the Brutes and their monstrous mounts.


The beast, over three hundred meters in height, roared, its countless heads opening and biting through the attacks sent at it. The strongest party of Hunters ever made had assembled within the outskirts of New York.

Nicholas, the chairman of the Hunter Association of NY; John Allgood, the Guild Master of the Justice Guild; Aiyana, the Guild Master of the Guardian Guild; Jackes Heisen, the Guild Master of the Rogue Guild; Francisco Armstrong, the young Guild Master of the Wizard Guild; and lastly, the Russian World-Class Hunter, Yanisse.

Accompanying them were over three hundred hunters from their respective guilds. Their bodies all overflowing with Auras of Golden and Dark Light, Bing Xue was not present at this moment, using all her doppelgangers to fight the Primal King.

However, she had not left them without buffs, enchanting their bodies and souls using the {Primordial Veil of Antiquity}, which boosted the strength of all participants here, especially their leaders.

The monstrous prehistoric chimera groaned in wrath and pain; over half of its massive body was now covered in deadly wounds, although most of them began to rapidly regenerate due to its incredible self-regeneration ability and its boundless vitality.

“This thing can’t conjure any magic, but the size alone is ridiculous!” John complained. “And it keeps regenerating endlessly! How can we even beat this at our Level?!”

“Stop crying! We have to simply find a way, Blondie!" Aiyana roared, swinging her giant bone axe and hacking apart the large claws moving down towards her one after another. “RAAAH!”



The beast responded by stepping forward, its enormous legs rushing down to crush Aiyana. The muscular warriors swiftly evaded, jumping away from the impact as it hit the ground, making the entire ground tremble.

“Magic seems to work to an extent against that thing,” Francisco said, conjuring over a hundred different magic circles at the same time and imbuing them with Ki. “With the power of the energies Bing Xue gifted to me, I can conjure even more magic without getting tired as well. We have to keep attacking, everyone!”

The youngest Guild Master cheered everyone, floating in the skies as a near-endless bombardment of elemental projectiles fell over the chimeric aberration. Its entire body began to slowly gain countless wounds, with pieces of flesh falling down.

Yet the wounds regrew new tendrils, connecting together again.

“Jackes! Can you conjure some wound-worsening curse?!” Francisco called.

“I’ll try!” Jackes rushed towards the beast.

Resembling a mass of shadows, the young man rushed down from the skies, wearing a completely black suit and a white mask. He resembled a specter of the night.

Wielding two sharp, black knives, he descended, imbuing them with the strongest Shadow Curse he could conjure and then further boosting it with Ki!

“{Abyssal Curse of Rot}!”


As he descended, he used his sharp knives, imbued with large quantities of Ki and the power of the Veil of Antiquity, to slash through the monster’s incredibly tough scales. Each wound left behind was suddenly covered in black flames and a poison-like black substance called miasma.

As the wounds continued to spread across the left side of the chimeric monstrosity, it began to struggle; its movements became slower, and its countless heads directed their jaws towards Jackes.

This beast that had come from a prehistoric world where such powers did not exist began to grow increasingly furious and desperate!


Jackes was unable to escape; the speed of his body descended due to the gravity of the planet, becoming so fast and strong that he was unable to maneuver in time before three giant jaws appeared behind him; two of them belonged to the heads of Trex and another to a massive Triceratops head.


As Jackes encompassed himself in his Abyssal Veil of Shadows and attempted to break through the jaws, he knew he might die right there.

Everyone else was too far away to help him and was busy fighting the countless appendages of the monstrosity, which relentlessly attacked them.


Nicholas jumped toward the skies with all the strength he could muster, trying to reach him before it was too late.

But it was indeed too late!


The sound of the jaws closing and bones breaking echoed through the battlefield. Everyone gasped as they thought Jackes would die right there. And she panicked even more when Bing Xue told them that she wouldn’t be able to revive them more than two times, as their souls would ultimately leave their bodies by then. Indeed, her revival abilities weren’t unlimited.

However, an explosion of flames was the only thing they could see after hearing that noise. Their eyes widened as they saw a surprising, shocking scene. A giantess of over three and a half meters in height, with tremendous muscles and charcoal black skin that carried a metallic sheen and countless fiery red tattoos across her body, appeared.

Her big fists punched the Trex head that would have eaten Jackes, crushed its mandible, and blown it away. Her punch came with that same explosion of flames. Her long red hair glowed with a fiery light, waving as if it were made of flames.

“Wha…?!” Nicholas screamed.

“Who is she?!” John asked.

“Giant Scaled Lord, you must not fight alone!” The woman roared, her fiery hair waving by the wind as Jackes looked at her enormous body.

Her giant arms moved at lightning speed. Her tattoos glowed brightly, her muscles blazed with friction, and such friction was released as explosions of flames as she punched and kicked the beast’s many heads!


This wasn’t magic or a skill; it was something more similar to a superpower coming from her very body! Jackes was left dumbfounded as he was able to fall from the skies safely, quickly kicking the air midair and then rushing down to the ground.

“She’s incredible! Who is she?!” He asked.

“Dunno, but she looks like she wants to help, and she’s not alone!” Aiyana said.

The guild masters all looked into the skies as a group of over fifty giant, muscular cavemen leaped into the monster’s back, beginning to bite, punch, and kick its body into pieces, distracting it from continuing its march toward New York.

“Are they cavemen like the other barbarians?”

“No, they look different."

“There’s two tribes there,” Nicholas said as he answered the questions of the hunters nearby. “One of them seems to have fiery red hair and charcoal black skin; they can produce explosions of flames from their attacks! The others are not as tall and have slimmer bodies. Their eyes are sharp and big, like those of falcons. But their movements are even more precise and fast! And it feels like with each movement, the winds around them begin to compress, generating small shockwaves.”

“D-Do you know who they are, chairman?”

“Their appearances… The fire people and the others, but they remind me of ancient Homo Sapiens,” Nicholas readjusted his glasses. “Fascinating! Just where are these people coming from? Those portals? Just where do those portals lead to?”


“Nicholas, focus. I don’t think there’s any time to ask those questions right now. Are all your people safe?”

Before Nicholas could continue analyzing everything, Yanisse appeared above him, her Aura exuding the power of Void and Ki together. The World-Class Hunter had only become stronger after meeting Bing Xue.

“Yanisse! Y-Yes, everyone is alright for now!”

“Good, let’s begin our last attack. That thing is being distracted by all those people. Let’s not waste more time with this.”

“But can we really defeat a monster at level six thousand?!”

“If you let yourself be intimidated by levels and stats, you will never be able to surpass the System… This is something that Bing Xue told me before leaving to fight that Primal King.”

“The System is not absolute?"

“She is the greatest example of that… And she has gifted us a new power, something that not only will help us grow beyond the System but also reject its rules and destroy them.”

Yanisse’s eyes glowed with dark purple light, her entire body exuding the power of Void to the extreme, distorting her surroundings.

“If we want to protect our planet... We must surpass the limits of the system, which has always been rigged from the start. I am fairly sure you know this very well, right?”

“Yanisse… You’re not wrong; let’s do this!” Nicholas nodded. “Everyone, attack! Don’t get too near it! Use any long-range spell you’ve got! The alchemist is distributing Mana Potions; drink whenever your Mana is emptied!”

After his command, over a hundred hunters roared in unison, the Veil of Antiquity powering up their abilities and magic, as a rain of elemental projectiles descended over the chimeric monstrosity yet again.

Rock Spears, Icicles, Fireballs, Wind Arrows, Light Blades, Shadow Bullets—anything that could deal any damage from a distance was fired! The Hunters knew that if they got any closer, they would simply get stomped.

Nicholas was the only one who stepped forward, punching the giant tails and appendages of the monster as they neared him. Before getting this power from Bing Xue, he would have been easily torn to shreds.

But now, it was different! The moment she gifted him with Ki, it felt like his true innate power was finally awakened. All this time, all these skills he used to reinforce his body became a permanent part of his physical body.

He forged a physique ahead of everyone else because of this!


“Is this my true power? Was the System always limiting what I could do?!” Nicholas thought, his giant metallic fists leaving holes across the appendages of the chimeric beast. “This is a test! A test that Bing Xue has left to us, to humanity! She is a guardian, but at the same time, she’s also a teacher! She won’t simply save us all forever. She wants us to eventually save ourselves and fight back on our own accord!”

As Nicholas realized Bing Xue’s intentions and the reason why she was no longer present in this fight aside from needing all her doppelgangers to take care of the Primal King, Yanisse flew across the skies.

She glanced at the hunters, and the guild masters fought back. John swung his holy blade as he flew using his beautiful angelic wings. Slashes of light left behind large wounds across the monster’s body.

Aiyana conjured the Sacred Spirit Animal Totems across her body to both reinforce her strength and unleash stampedes of spirit beasts, while her giant axe hacked through anything that dared to get closer.

Francisco supported everyone with his amazing magic. Now that his frail body had gained a lot of physical stamina, he had yet to get tired after overusing his Mana and was easily restoring it quicker as well. His magic unleashed storms of elements against the monster while buffing and healing allies—a complete all-master magician!

Jackes kept spreading curses, weakening the monster and worsening wounds. It was thanks to him that the wounds no longer regenerated, and the giant level six thousand monstrosity began to rapidly grow weaker.

“I don’t like stealing the show, but if that thing doesn’t die quickly, this battle of attrition will ultimately be lost by humanity…” she noticed a large army of dinosaurs and cavemen hiding behind the chimera. “I’ll end this now that it has grown weak enough.”

She flew high in the sky, gathering her Void Essence to the highest degree of purity.

“Bing Xue, look… Humanity is not weak; we can do this!” She roared. “{Void Star Rain}!”

Thousands of stars made of void fell from the skies, piercing the monster and the army behind it with countless explosions of void, which consumed matter and made it completely disappear.

Yanisse’s expertise and control were superb, dexterously missing any ally as she attacked. The monster resisted, trying to continue regenerating.

However, as its many heads exploded into pieces one after another, it finally stopped struggling; its gigantic body no longer moved.

And the titan collapsed.


Behind it, a bloody scene could be seen countless torn-apart bodies of dinosaurs and Brutes covered the grass and the forest.

At the same time, two of the three portals closed shut, only leaving a third one, which grew much smaller than before.

“Hahh… It’s done.”

Yanisse lost consciousness at that moment, falling from the skies.



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