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Hello my lovelies <3 

I haven't shared this anywhere else yet because it's not quite 100%, but if everything goes right, tomorrow I'm signing with my longtime girlfriend for a house * ^ * 

This means I'm moving from Salt Lake to Georgia, which is quite a change. As such, there's a possibility that things have to be put on hold. I'm going to try to work as much as I can to keep up, but this is by far the biggest life  changing thing I've done in the last ... decade, nearly o v o 

I'm super excited, but also super  nervous! But I know I can do it! 

This has some ramifications tho, which might include me dropping all my pledges to other artists... which is unfortunate but possible. Every dollar is going to count u ^ u ... it might also  mean a small increase in all my prices, which I'd like to avoid, but might end up being necessary. It wouldn't be more than a $5 increase,  which would be for simple and fully rendered commissions, making them$45 and 65$ for the first character. We'll see, though, because I always try to avoid price increases if I can. Stream commissions would remain $40, I think, to encourage people to watch the streams <3

Anyway, thank you everyone for all the support; it's thanks so much to all you, my compatreons and commissioners, that I'm able to do this. This is truly my dream, and I'm getting to live it out! The only thing next is to finally find time for some Cafe Les Beans > v > <3  


Azura Cannon

Wishing you luck always.


wish ya the best and not that stressful move x: everything gonna be good!

Robert S

good luck with the move, and congrats on the cohabitation!


I'm guessing you and Deggy are most likely moving to near Atlanta right?


Wow, living the dream! Best of luck to you