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This month the people I have selected are Zandock, Onlooker, and John! 

I've messaged them @ v @ 

As always, I'm basically scratching off the list. Everyone is eventually going to get one!



Oooh so that's how the system works. Now I see why I haven't won in a while. I suppose I've already won twice so I guess they deserve it more.


I may or may not have just kinda recently started doing it this way so that it is not a raffle but a fair giveaway... although you know... could be a while before your turn comes up ;D


Well hey, you're the boss. I think it's a good approach I've had a pinup idea in the back of my mind should that time ever come but I think the way you're doing it is a lot more fair than picking a name out of a jar or whatever.


Yeah, I don't really love raffles anyway; eventually I want everyone to have it. At first I wanted it to be random but still fair, but now I'm basically going down the list and then restarting after everyone's had one.