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Hello everyone!

Thank you for so much support over the past couple years. This year has been huge for me! It was the year I did purely art! And thanks to all of you, I am actually able to do so. It really does mean the world to me. I hope that next year is even better! 

I hope that I can really truly pursue Cafe Les Beans!~

I'm trying my best, but life sure likes to get in the way sometimes. This month was so wildly busy, I can't believe it! Part of that has to be the holiday stuff, but it was honestly a little too much for me. I'm sorry for delays and doing the usual stuff last minute. I think I got a little burned out... I think I'm back on my feet, though! And I hope to draw stuff you all love and are willing to support me for <3 



Here's to another year of art! \(^_^)/