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Hello everyone! <3

It's finally time * v * 

Here is page one! Croissant has to learn how to actually hold down a job for once so she can keep working with her childhood friend, Biscotti... but maybe they could be something more than friends? * ^ * 

Some sort of pitch like that? <3

I hope you all like it!

I'm posting this here first, but definitely check out the blog @ v @ 

Unless I remember to post here, which, admittedly, I don't because the format isn't my favorite > v > ... it's always always going to be on the blog!

I'm going to post comic updates on weekends, gunning for twice a month! 





It looks lovely! Can't wait to read more!


For those of you so inclined, here are all the pages and sketched pages @ v @ <a href="https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjZLHXEpVwfzgrsM9RAndUqNh3z_KA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjZLHXEpVwfzgrsM9RAndUqNh3z_KA</a> At least, for the main current plotline. I have some branching stuff and some main stuff that I need to figure out a lead up to that isn't in there

Kurai Tenshi

Yay, looks good!!! I wish you the best of the lucks with this cute and sexy project!!!! &lt;3