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Hello lovely Compatreons <3 

I know things are a bit hectic this month, but I promise that nobody will be left behind byt the end of the month @ v @ 

As far as the usual order of business, here's the voting for this month! It's Biscotti's time to shine, with a Maid Brigade Biscotti line up! And it's a real difficult choice, too... Tacticool?! Seductive?! ...S-stretching? 

They're numbered on the picture this time, so just leave a comment <3

I'll close voting probably Wednesday, pretty early @ v @ 

Once again, I'm out of town and things are a little hectic. I'm finding my Cintiq is having some serious performance issues that I can't seem to find a fix for and that seem to be a recent develeopment, so actual work and not just doodles have been incredibly slow, though I have finished a little. Just remember that I have written down and I will get everything done one way or another. December will be a huuuuge work month! So feel free to send me as many commission ideas as you want for December @ v @ 

I believe that I'm set for November though, but I'll try to remember to make a little Patreon post if I end up catching up before the end of the month. 

Thank you lovelies <3 




Also! That little saluting Croissant is on whatever one wins &lt;3


I'm gonna go for 3


3, because I am Weak


Gotta be 2


3, even better if her boots are high heeled but if not its fine.


As much as I love guns, I gotta go with 2. Forgive me my sins, Caffe-dakka


#1 since it's getting no love so far.
