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This is my SWTOR girl, Darth Mina'koko! Think of her as on par with a Moff in terms of Empire influence, though she's probably kind of above that as a Sith lord. 

As with the lore of the story, she comes from a powerful family of Sith, but she's got a good heart. She finds the wanton chaos caused by the Sith to be harmful to the overall stability and greatness of the Empire and vows to change it from within! 

She's snarky, sensual, and her thighs make the Death Star look weak!

I plan on posting this on Tumblr and such when I finish my drawing of my other Sith girl... who is aptly named Caffeccino because unless I go into it with a character in mind... well... 

Sorry things have been slow lately. I've been having a kinda rough time and I've been trying to catch up. Even this one's already a couple weeks old. I do intend to have everyone's drawings done, though, by the end of the month! 
