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I'll probably just label these pictures as I've named them on my computer, more or less. I don't have a lot of time to spend on this right now, but I can't stop coming up with cute ideas for this @ v @ 

u v u 

Madoka and Sayaka work at a Qbucks franchise Mami is manager of. Needless to say, Mami's presence is very enjoyable and quite distracting for a couple of little gays >:D

I'm still playing around with designs and stuff, but I kind of want a different look for everyone, except maybe Madoka, since I've already been drawing her different since forever anyway. These little doodles have been filling up the tiny bit of free time I've had @ v @;

I have tons of ideas about this and I've started actually writing them down u v u haha.. 



Evertide 05

What kind of coffee shop is this where the keyhole sweater is acceptable in the dress code? I wanna go there right now!


I think that the part of this I like best is that Mami clearly knows EXACTLY where they're looking, and has no objections.


I'm thinking that Mami owns this franchise so she can just do whatever she wants o v o I think also she's given up on finding stuff that fits her well, so she's just flaunting >:D And also she's trying to seriously seduce her little baristas


She's trying to seduce them >:D huhuhu She adjusts the schedule so she just works with them huhu