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So I did learn recently that raffles are technically against the TOS

I want to keep my Patreon going, obviously, so the raffles are now a drawing giveaway. It'll function much the same, except I'll be personally picking who gets a drawing. I won't be doing favors, though, as I want everyone to have a chance. I'll be going through the list. 

Basically this means that eventually everyone will get a drawing. But it also means you might wait longer for one. (Or I'm lying and still doing a raffle but I'm not because that would be bad and against the tos, right? ;D ) 



That's strange though cause there are many creators that still use raffles as part of their rewards o.O


I wonder why a raffle is against the terms of service. o. O


It's technically gambling so it's "against" their tos; I doubt anyone would actually get in trouble for it from Patreon, though. I'm just playing it safe!