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Hello darlings <3

This is a long little post, soooo > v >

I can't remember if I mentioned this, but my girlfriend and I are moving back to Utah with my family! Yay! 

We're very excited for the move @ v @ we're excited about new opportunities and a chance for a little rest. Our apartment here in Georgia is a little out of our means and we're both a bit exhausted working so endlessly. 

This move is happening around sometime between the 16th and 30th of September depending on circumstance. I also have a flight from the 12th to the 15th where I'll be out of town. 

What this means, of course, in terms of art, is that I might not be super productive this month. I'm going to do my best! I have a teensy bit of catch up to do this month, but I think I'm mostly on track. 

The thing I'm most backed up on has got to be answering emails. I have quite a few that I need to get back to and haven't had a good chance to do so yet. I'm going to get all of that going Monday, so if you've emailed me, please be patient. I have a lot of people who contact me directly on twitter and such, and I'd like to mention that in terms of emailing, my usual turn around time to get started on commissions seems to be about a week. I'm doing my best! It's hard to balance everything, though. 

I also don't know how much streaming is going to happen, either. I haven't been doing as much, which frankly is usually cause I'm stressed out and need alone time LOL. I'll try to do more, and I especially want to get back into it when I'm in Utah. 

August was the first time I made a true living wage (15$ an hour) which is incredible. Thank you all so much for helping and supporting me! As always, compatreons have access to my commissions even when they're closed, although if they are closed, there's usually a reason why. Feel free to email me at caffeccinoart@gmail.com for commissions! I will probably be scaling back commissions a little bit over the next few months to focus on comic work, which is my dream to do. It's been surprisingly and pleasantly successful and I wanna keep doing it forever. I think the Lily Military Academy stuff is going to be delightful, and I think it's very.. me.. and you'll all really get to enjoy something very personally satisfying to myself and very silly. 

I also have a 20 page lewdie with Calisson and company I've been working on with a very generous commissioner. It's a long term project and the first truly funded comic project, from the very outset. It's going to be wonderful, but it's also a lot of work in addition to everything else going on. I think it's going to be amazing and you'll all love it a lot @ v @ 

I also have a 10 page comic one of Kumone, although I think it's going to be a bit slower going since funding has been slow on that one. 

If a longer term comic project is something you'd be interested in, please email me and we can work out the details! I'd be happy to talk about it! 

Thank you all so much <3 


Robert S

Sorry Georgia didn't work out! I hope you do well in Utah. Take your time, we can wait!


It's not so much that it didn't work out... because I think we could have figured it out, but there's more in Utah for us at the moment @ v @


its good to hear you getting some. opportunities in Utah. must be pretty ok to be back with your family I assume. also I hope you will have safe trips and hope things turn out well for ya cafe. cant wait for the comics but tyt with them and any other commissions u may have :)