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Hello lovelies <3 

I wanted to ask all of you what you all thought about some comic thoughts @ v @ 

First of all, I wanna hear what you wanna see! Especially if you've bought from my Gumroad. Things like plotlines, characters, scenarios, and so on. 

I have a comic project with Monaka and company that I'm super interested in but feels like it's not happening the way I want, so I'm especially interested in hearing what y'all would like to see with some knurf/nerf gun gal stuff @ v @ edit: adding that these are kinda new girls with their own personalities and wouldn't crossover with my other gals most likely

I have quite a few ideas and my main thing is to do a public introductory comic of maybe 10 pages max to introduce the girls and start doing small 2 or 3 page comics of various scenarios... all of that would be public, and lewd comics with the girls on my gumroad

Thank you everyone <3 



I'll generally just like any comic you do, but an introduction sounds like a great start. That being said... a comic where Monaka is assigned to test Mint's capabilities as an android would be a very welcome sight :X


I'm kind of iffy about crossover, even in my own characters, so Monaka probably wouldn't meet Mint, sadly ... My cast right now is Bubblegum, Tiramisu, Monaka, Pancake, and Eclair! Although I sort of have to introduce all them &gt; v &gt; because a couple are brand new girls! lolol


hmm having introductory pagee for your new characters in a comic sound pretty nice. usually when a really short doujin uses multiple characters, they usually delegate 2 pages per character maybe 3? but either way im not opposed to anything you do since all your comic stories have been good. I just wish they were longer is all xD


Good to know @ v @ For the most part they've just been little lewdies, but I have an 8 page something with Monaka and Tiramisu, and ... 50 pages here and there sketched for ideas of them. As far as stuff on the horizon I'm going to finish, I have a 20 page comic with Calisson and company, and a 10 page comic with Kumone that I'm still working out the details on, so hopefully as I get better at the comics, I can add length @ v @


NSFW Ask: How come you don't draw testicles? Looking through old comics of Madoka and Homura getting physical, I noticed that Madoka's penis is always visible, but never the rest of her anatomy. I would certainly like to see more variety in the displays of physical intimacy; however, I may be in the minority among patrons.


I do draw them... w-when I have to It's a preference thing &gt; v &gt; like this one! Sometimes I totally do it <a href="https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjZLHXEpVwfzg8R7mAWZc8EuZl_3gg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjZLHXEpVwfzg8R7mAWZc8EuZl_3gg</a> Kinda by coincidence, most of the couple drawings I do don't really have poses that show that... and when they do, I really just like panties so I throw them on the girls &gt; v &gt; I think a cute dicku sticking out of panties is cuter than not


I just want to see more lesbian and solo goodness ;)