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Hello everyone! I have a new comic project! 

Bet you never heard that one from me before ;) 

I'm thinking small, though! This is a 7 page smut comic about Hunter girl and her Guild girl girlfriend 8D Yay! 

Here's page 1! And a link to the rest of the pages! They MIGHT be out of order... a teeny bit... but we'll see https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjZLHXEpVwfzg7hoyJNoLUEo4ARURQ




I forgot you were a fan of the MH series Caffe o: . Did you get MHW?


I did! I'm Caffeccino on ps4; I don't have much time to play right now though and if I do have time I should channel it into art B)


I'll send you a friend request sometime today. We can play in the future.