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Excuse the title pun but just wanted to send out another update as another month has gone by with some decent progress. I've added February's changelog below. There have been some nice usability improvements for a range of issues such as the 'Staged file limit' option as well as some big bug fixes (e.g. the Tdarr Node RAM issue). There are now also some extra stream stats for supporters.

The Tdarr V2 Updater system reached about 8Tb in downloads over the last month which is great (wasn't too sure how much non-Docker use of Tdarr there'd be) but also provides plenty of incentive for some more module size optimisation - I reduced the combined size of all modules by about 0.5GB a few weeks ago but should be able to get it down a bit more. I've also moved storage over to Backblaze B2 from Google Cloud for some significant cost savings.

While Tdarr is generally working well when things are configured correctly, March's goals will be to improve the user experience when things aren't configured correctly or when things go wrong. There are a lot of repetitive small issues which new users face due to a setting wrong here or there so helping out with those should save everyone a lot of time.

With a growing userbase and ever-sprouting requests/bugs, I'm looking to expand the Tdarr team (currently just me) at some point to help manage everything. This won't be an easy task but if you know a thing or two about NodeJS/TypeScript/React, are interested in media/automation applications and have 20-40 hours free per week then feel free to send me a message. I haven't 'recruited' someone before so will most likely need to do a post with more details (including details about my 26 y/o self) as it would be nice to have someone to ping ideas off. I'd be surprised if I received one message as Patreon isn't the place for this but hey you never know.

Welcome to the new pledgers who've joined this month and thanks for the continued support!



- v2.00.06 release [23rd Feb 2021]:

- Option added to limit staged file section

- 'Medium Blue' theme added

- Add VAAPI GPU health check

- Much faster NVENC health checking (caiusseverus)

- Added error if source file or library cache can't be accessed by Nodes

- Fix Tdarr_Node creeping RAM issue

- Fix path translation bug if running Tdarr_Server on Windows

- Fix Tdarr_WebUI starting before Tdarr_Server (prevent error spam)

- Fix library folder validation

- Fix: remove 'handling' i button if no content

- Fix: processes will exit if address/port not available

- v2.00.05 release [15th Feb 2021]:

- New stream stats for supporters

- Nodes will no longer start up workers when queues are empty

- Improved path translating

- Workers will throw an error if new transcode arguments are the exact same as old ones (prevent infinite transcoding loop)

- Add FPS to workers (FFmpeg) and total FPS per Node

- Test pathTranslators Node paths on Node startup

- Original library file can now be accessed in plugins using 'otherArguments.originalLibraryFile'. See Tdarr_Plugin_rr01_drpeppershaker_extract_subs_to_SRT for an example

- Improve worker binary execution

- Fix Node not downloading 'methods' library if server not running

- Fix page not loading if plugin tooltip not set

- v2.00.04 release [7th Feb 2021]:

- Updater exits when finished

- Updater deletes temp download files

- Updater runs chmod on unzipped binaries

- Clean up temp file if cache copy fails

- Improve GPU/CPU worker flow when using different hardware encoding types on different Nodes

- Added information buttons to each section of the 'Tdarr' tab


Carl Simmons

Do these updates apply to the tdarr_aio version in UnRAID as well? I noticed I’m running beta 1.3003 with no recent updates. Thanks!


Hi Carl, version 1 does not received any updates, only version 2. To use version 2 you need to use the main `tdarr` container with `tdarr_node`, not `tdarr_aio`. More info here: https://tdarr.io/docs/installation