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After taking a much-needed break to focus on my mental health, I'm excited to share some updates with you. I've been working on new projects and have some changes planned for you, my Patreon community.

Gratitude for Your Support

First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support during my hiatus. Your patience and understanding have meant more to me than words can express.

Understanding My Hiatus
So, what led to my absence? In all honesty, I hit a wall. Burnout isn't something I take lightly, and it's something many of you witnessed as I struggled in the months leading up to my hiatus. Despite my best efforts to push through, it became clear that I needed to step back, recharge, and prioritize my mental well-being.
I won't sugarcoat it – it hasn't been an easy journey. There were days when even the thought of creating felt like an insurmountable challenge. But with time, reflection and a lot of self-care, I've finally reached a place where I feel ready to dive back into my passion for creating.

Exciting New Projects
I'm thrilled to share that I've been hard at work on some new projects behind the scenes. These aren't just any projects – they're creations that I'm genuinely proud of, ones that I can't wait to unveil to all of you.
The oncoming project that I'll release as part of my return will be a scene featuring Claire Redfield, thanking Leon in a kinky way, before they head off to Racoon City. You can expect - as before - several different variants, even one where she got infected beforehand. My current plans will probably continue to include corruption/control themes in bonus scenes or variants, but more on that later.
Besides new projects, I've also managed to improve the quality of my renders. I can now enhance many of the textures that I work with. I've found my own way handling fluids, lighting and facial expressions. I'm happy with the results of most of those already, but I still want to work on the fluid part, as I set myself the goal to improve the clarity and quality of those even more.

Future Plans for Patreon
Now, let's talk about the future. During my time away, I've had the chance to reflect on how I want to approach this platform moving forward. I have some exciting ideas in mind for enhancing your experience here on Patreon, including updates and changes to reward tiers and perks. I'll be sharing more details with you all in the days to come, so stay tuned for that.

Before I wrap up, I want to express my deepest gratitude once again for your continued support. Each and every one of you has played a vital role in my journey, and I'm incredibly grateful to have you by my side, even after all this time.

Take care of yourselves, and I look forward to reconnecting with you all soon.




Oh my God, I'm so glad you're doing great and you're back! <3 I literally did a full double take when I saw an email from your Patreon, HAHAHA :D