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October preview build is here, and not a minute too late 😎

Still very rough, work in progress, nothing is final yada yada etc etc

New features since last build include:

-Voice and SFX
-Particle effects
-Nude paizuri (including new breast grab mode)
-Cum-cloth interaction
-New GUI
-Some other stuff probably 🗿

There's still no tutorial of any kind, so check out the instructions from the last preview build post if you get confused on how to work this thing.

The GUI has changed since last build, here's how to navigate it. There's gonna be tooltips in the future, but at the moment it can be a bit confusing.

There's now three category buttons that show you options when you click on them: Touch actions, penetration actions, and cum actions

The touch actions are: touch, slap, and undress. Penetration actions are: penetrate, and thrust (does nothing atm). Cum actions are: cum out, and cum in (does nothing atm)

For the alternate breast grab, select the touch action and double click on her bare breasts. When you're in the alternate breast grab, you can start nude paizuri by selecting the penetrate action and clicking on her breasts.

And that's about it. Let me know what you think, and if you need a build for a different platform (current one is 64-bit windows), drop a line and I'll upload it.

What's next

I'm aiming to wrap up the scene for the next build, and finally get rid of that pesky work in progress-disclaimer. Here's the most important points from my to-do list:

-X-ray view
-Improved penetration
(Collision is pretty wack at the moment, the female character doesn't "push back" against thrusting at all)
-Touch action works on more body parts
-Scene options menu and hiding the gui
-Final physics rig, and other polishing

These goals don't feel too unrealistic, maybe I'll even manage to get started on the gameplay side of things before the end of the month. Anyways, I'll update you on the progress in a couple weeks time, till then I hope you enjoy the latest build! -Joni


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