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I'm about to start production on my new, big project, so here's a little post with the first bits of info. I'll be making more posts going into more detail as the project progresses. In the picture you can see preliminary concept sketches of the first two characters players will meet in the game.


The working name for the project is "Sultan's Treasure". The player character is a human thief, hired to break into the mighty sultan's private quarters to steal a priceless treasure. After an accident, the player character finds themself in the sultan's harem complex, unable to get out. The harem houses not only the sultans wives and concubines, but all female members of his grand household, from servant to queen.


There will be actual gameplay in the game, through which the sexual content is unlocked. It will be a fairly straightforward stealth/puzzle affair where the player needs to avoid the attention of guards to get through single screen stages. The characters the player meets can be asked to follow them around, and will be helpful in getting through the stages.

The first time a character is encountered, they need to be escorted to their bed which unlocks the first set of sex interactions with them. More interactions and different outfits can be unlocked by clearing further levels. I'm intending to keep these stages quite short and the focus of the game on the sexual content.

sexual content

This will naturally be presented through the animation system that you already know. There are a couple of ways I'm planning to expand the system: There'll be more ways to touch and tease the girls, which will often be required before you can do anything else. New sex acts will also be available, such as oral sex and titfucking. There'll also be a "dialogue system" for lack of a better term, the girls can make comments during the act, displayed in speech bubbles. Together these should improve the sense of interactivity.

schedule and scope

I've learned by now to promise nothing, but I have few commitments this month and will be spending a lot of time on getting the project started. There is a chance - a very slim one - that Roxy game won't see another update and patreon content for the month of july will instead be a sex scene preview of the new project. Don't count on it though.

The first "proper" release of the game will have the first girl's full progression, and the stages the player will need to clear to unlock it, as well as a tutorial. I'm deliberately structuring the game in such a way that new content can be added potentially indefinitely - my "dream" for the project is to generate enough financial support that I can comfortably commission guest artists for character designs and art every month. But that's far in the future at best.

Anyways, if I'm to make it happen, I need to get serious. So I hope I'm able to share good news by the end of the month! -Joni




horse lady looks amazing