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After far too long version 16.0 is finally finished. This update is all about improving the story of the game and updating some of the ships level that needed it the most. If you have already reached the cap on the seeder your saves will still work how they always have but you may be a little bit lost on the story.

I know this update too a lot longer then I expected it to but I wanted to get everything done right so that later down the line I don't end up needing to update the entire story again. There as still many things that I want to improve but the next few updates are going to have a heavy focus on adding new content and getting through the rest of story events. I won't give any hard release dates as I am not a good judge of how long things are going to take. That being said I am going to work as hard as I can to make sure an update is never this delayed again.

As usual if you find and bugs let me know and I'll fix them for the next version of the game. The alien events have been changed so if you have any saves where everyone is waiting then they may stuck or out of the map, skipping to the next day will fix this

16.3 Changelog:

Fixed camera being blocked during the intro

Fixed some other events that had a chance to softlock

Other small fixes

16.2 Changelog:

Updated Katherine's daywear and second swimwear

Updated Natasha's daywear

Made some harder to find events easier to get

Tried to fix Adrianna swimming event again

Other various fixes

16.1 Changelog:

Did some asset clean up and improved LOD's for all models to try and improve performance

Fixed issue with alien events removing previously unlocked stuff

Fixed an issue with sleepover events and dream sequences

Adrianna swimming T pose at ladder

Black screen when doing the first seeder event

16.0 Changelog:

Story has been fully reworked and updated

Flight Deck has been updated

Storage Bay has been updated

Defence minigame has had a visual overhaul

Shop girl event updated

The way the alien events function have been reworked

Fixed an issue with the free cam after talking to someone

Many smaller issues fixed

New title screen



Here we go 👏.Thanks for the update


WOO! we got em


So with the story rework would it be better to just start over from the beginning?


If you want to see it all I would say yes, but if you have a lot done with another save you can always return to that after seeing the whole stoy


Thanks for the update! I hope there would be option to use Natasha's old face. I like it more than the new one. Old face felt more natural and kind. Newer is kind of like plastic surgery overdone. Natasha was probably my favorite character and that is only complaint that I really have on visuals.


awesome man thank you


Looks fresh and good enough! Thank for your job! Now I personally expect some progress in story ;-)

jedi Mosiah

Nice, thank you!


Hey, just got back from a trip celebrating Thanksgiving in the US. Nice update, I guess I will play it all again to get a feel for the new story, though I can't wait to see new content in the next update!


I can't exactly tell how or why but I've lost the ability to visit the pool room. It just disappeared both from the elevator screen and the map. Can you help me, please?


this was an issue in 16.0 where the alien events would remove other unlocked things, you'll have to go back to a save before you did the alien events


hello, i want to sincerely thank you for creating last hope, i think it's a much better game than milfy city. Especially since your playing is with sound and effects it is even better. I definitely subscribe every time to support you and I will recommend your game as much as possible, I can't wait to discover the next news :) thank you and may all be well for you


will you do macos version? game is best