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Hey everyone development on the next update is coming along well but I do have a couple of things to share with you all (don't worry it's nothing bad). So I know a lot of you aren't happy with the fixed camera angles and I completely understand why, they were only intended to be a temporary camera system in the first place. Which is why I am adding a free cam to all scenes in the game. It will probably take me a few days to fully impliment but it really won't add as much development time as I was worried it would.

I am also going to add translations for different languages to open the game up to a bigger audience. For the moment all translations will be done using google translate so some dialogue might be a bit weird but hopefully it's close enough to make sense. The current list of languages I am adding are french,italian,japanese, russian and spanish.



Hi! I'm french and my english it's not very good, have a french version is wonderful! If we see some error in traductions or something like this, do we have any tools for raise it? Or just explain it into discord?


For the moment discord will probably be the best way, but I'm not going to be fixing every small translation issue becuase there is bound to be way too many to fix


I think it is less the camera as it is the lack of opacity for the male body. If we could fade out most of the male body to see the action without the weird neck stub in the way it would be better. That might save you some headache with programming free cam instead.


I'm not a fan of some transparent bodys


Nice work. The Czech language is planned ?


Does VR work on this game? Was looking through the folder and saw a few VR. Tried to launch it but my VR is pitch dark.