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Well so much for a release before christmas, this one took a long time to get finished but it's finally done. Since I think you've all waited long enough already this update is available to all patrons. After the mess that was this update I'm not going to announce a release date as early for now on so hopefully (fingers crossed) I don't have to delay an update multiple times. I will still be sticking to the plan of having an update at least every two months as a baseline though.

I tried so new things with the camera in the new dream so let me know if you liked it or not so I can see weather or not to use it more often. Also if you run into any bugs let me know and I'll try and get them fixed before the new year.

As for the next few updates I'm going to focus on the main characters to expand on some old scenes that desperately need to be continued. Most of these, many of you have requested before but I'm sure there'll be something for everyone.


Added Third Dream

Added 1 new Adrianna Scene

13.1 Changelog:

Fixed issue with Natasha standing still

Fixed some visuals in the new dream

Text no longer gets stuck during adrianna tentacle scene

Fixed some other smaller bugs and visual errors 

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Stephan Legaard

I have so far been unable to find one of the night scenes for Adrianna, the middle one from the checklist, can anyone tell me how i get it? at this point it feels like i have tried everything, and nothing works.


Just wanted to let you know about a bug, in case it hasn't been reported yet: If Adrianna is in her bedroom in her swimsuit, and you're able to trigger the event for the first time, you'll finish the event outside her room, as normal. However, both her door and herself have the green aura (signifying the new event), but if you try to activate the swimsuit event again, you are unable to move, interact with anything, etc. I had run across this once before in a previous build and had completely forgotten about it until I triggered it again. Unfortunately, I had not saved in the new run yet, so I'm going to have to start from scratch. Whoopsie. Thanks for an otherwise fantastic game.


I had the same bug as Michael though i was able to walk around the room and eventually regain the ability to interact once the timer kicked over for theAdrianna to be moving to her next scene