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Last Hope update 13.0 is well on its way and will be released early december. As always I overestimated how much I would be able to get done in the time I set for myself and I don't want to leave you all waiting until next year for the update to come out so I have decided to cut back the content for this update. The update will be the entire third dream and also a new scene with Adrianna which is where you get access to the new dream.

Hopefully this effort in improving everything for this new dream gives it a noticable bumb in quality and gives a good example for what to expect for later projects.

I've also got a bad habit of not giving many progress updates and sort of leaving you guys in the dark for months at a time so I'm going to try and fix that. For this update onwards I'll be posting weekly updates to let you all now how things are going. They should be showing up around the same time as this one so be on the look out if you want to stay up to date.

Anyway I've still got a lot of work to do so I'm going to get back to it but here a a couple previews of what to look forward to in 13.0



"For this update onwards I'll be posting weekly updates to let you all now how things are going. They should be showing up around the same time as this one so be on the look out if you want to stay up to date." I hope this one still holds up :)


I think every week might be too often, theres not really much more to add to what I said last week so I will probably do every 2 weeks instead