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Here comes the first bunch of pages of this month! 3 new pages! ...And the cover!

The cover is ready! So next week the pdf should be ready.

After the complexity and lots of characters of Secret Domination League we change now to a simple and intimate story. Just a bdsm couple and his games. I have ideas in my sketchbook for 3 or 4 months, but not an ending yet.

During the summer months I will slow down a bit. (Note: here in Spain we are already suffering our first heat wave!) Hence I will post six pages in two posts of 3+3, instead of eight (4+4).

Also because I don't want to overload my brain during these hot months, I want to hear the suggestions of my supporters for the extra drawings. You can give me 3-4 words (no long descriptions!) and I will do a drawing based on them. For example: petgirls-latex-chubby-redhead or tickles-machine-brunette-bigboobs. You can leave your words in the comments or send me a private message.

I will do 3-4 drawings each month, so about 10-12 total during the summer months. I will show them in the $6 tier, but if you are a $3 supporter you can give ideas too! if I choose one of yours I will send you the drawing by email.

I will do the next updates during the last days of the month (probably on 27th and 29th).





Mika W

I love this already. Collars are just the best accessories there are.


Don't overdo it, if you already suffering the first heat wave;-)


1. Drink a lot of water. 2. Eat a lot of watermelon. 3. Don't go out and close all the windows. 4. Sleep as much as you can. 5. Repeat. :-)