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Here come the bunch of drawings of this month!

This is a themed series of six pairs of illustrations, hence 12 total. They all show the before and after of some kind of apocalyptic invasion. A normal woman in her happy normal life and then how she become enslaved in the New World Order. 

In these four illustrations you can find two characters in their before and after apocalypse.

The eight other illustrations (four other characters) will be available for the $6 reward in a few days.

The wonderful coloring is of my assistant Reina Canalla: https://www.patreon.com/reinacanalla


NEWS: My recovering is going well. Next week I will start working again on the next pages of Secret Domination League. In June I plan to post 8 pages (and no drawings), probably in two bunches. 




Nice to hear that your recovering is going well=) BUT: Slow and steady wins the race;-)


After these three weeks of rest after the surgery, there is nothing much I can do. I can't read small texts yet (with the right eye, the left is fine!), but vision should still improve during the next few months acording to doctors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiretinal_membrane