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I've got some important news.

First I will tell my original plan and then...life happens.

Original plan.

Since some time ago I've been thinking to focus more on my comic production. Apart from the comic pages every month I've been working on the game, on animations, on commissions... and it's too much. So my plan is to focus on the comic stuff and also post more regularly, two pages every week, hence eight pages per month. No side projects or anything, at least for a while.

Because I'm spanish and I hire a translator (plus some assistants with the coloring) I always work on bunches of pages. Therefore to keep a steady posting I need some buffer. This month I've post an old story to have time to advance the work of the pages of next month.

Also the game it's almost finished and I'm going to close the commissions for at least two months, until July.

Next month I was going to start promoting the new "2 pages every week!" when...

Life happens.

I have problems in the right eye again. The quality of vision has been decreasing in the last few months and now it's like watching through an unpolished glass, blurry and distorted. I can't even read with it.

I've already visit the doctors, they know what's the problem and how to fix it, but I need to go through a surgical operation again. The good news is that this time I'm preparing everything and finishing all the important stuff before my "forced vacations".

The other eye is perfectly fine, so I'm still working as usual. During the recovery time I hope to prepare a good bunch of future story plots. Secret Domination League #4 is already done (except a few minor details), but SDL#5 is still in its bare bones. Some of my future projects could be a sequel of Kinky Slave, a Dystopian story and Tickles 2. I will have plenty of time (no read! no internet!) to daydreaming.


To conclude.

I tell you all this, but it should barely affect my posting schedule. This month I will post everything: comic pages, drawings, the (final!) game and sketches. The 3 animations won't be too complex, but I think they will be ready too.

For May I have already done 6 pages of Secret Domination League and next days I will prepare a bunch of drawings that my assistant will finish the color. No animations for May and June. I plan to continue doing them, but in a casual manner. 3 per month is too demanding.

During my recovery weeks my skillful assistant and friend (with benefits) Reina Canalla will help me answering emails and posting on RRSS. I will also answer any commission request with a recommendation to her.  She helps me in the coloring of most of my comics and drawings, and she is a very good erotic comic artist herself: https://reinacanalla.es 


- Coax


Tutor Veritatis

Get well soon. A friend of mine is blind in one eye due to injuries, so I understand the need of caring for ones vision. We who can see are blessed yet take it for granted. Take care of yourself first, the fans can wait.


Thanks. There is no date for the operation yet, but I hope it will be first week of April.


Please don't overdo it! Your health is the most important, what you have!


Finally the day of the operation will be the 11th of May, a bit later than I expected. All the important things are already done, so until then i will work quite softly. Anyway I'm productive even working only a few hours per day. I will put the game for sale (cover, demo, etc) and maybe prepare two more comic pages. The worst part of the recovery is the boredom! I will be careful, don't worry :-)