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  • Breathing_01.mp4
  • Breathing_02_long.mp4
  • Breathing_03.mp4
  • Covergirl_dressed.mp4
  • Covergirl_naked.mp4
  • Pet_red.mp4



Here comes the bunch of animations and sketches of this month!

Because this month I didn't take commissions I don't have many sketches to show. Only yesterday I started one... I offered the client 3 options. He already chosed. Next month you will see which one was the winner :-)

I also have a few sketches of my current comic to show you. Several characters and a few pages. I always work in tiny notebooks. It's enough for me (in the computer I can resize easily) and I can carry them anywhere, which is important as long as I usually do all the storytelling (panel design and writing texts) in fast food restaurants.

For the breathing illustrations I did very rough sketches, as usual with my own stuff. For clients I do better looking sketches, which is unnecessary when I work for myself.

Among the animations you can see the three "breathing" and two oldies. The black woman pet now fully animated and my last comic cover, now in a sensual dancing with and without dress.

As a side note, I've already prepared the things for recording audio (mic, program, check everything works) so next month probably I will upload some of my previous animations now with sound. Apart of doing new ones, of course.

...And tomorrow I will post the next 7 pages of Secret Domination League!


- Coax



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