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Eyyy, May's over, that means we're back to old workflow. So I'm gonna tell you what I wanna do.
Basically, I wanna continue this thingie I started here

Aaaaaaand I wanna animate all that. Yep. Wish me me luck guys, I kind of started working on the first one already, and it's going more or less smoothly. Let's hope the rests goes fine as well.

Now I know a lot of you wait for me to finally return to Barry and Tails, and I will make it happen. I've got the thing, and I'm gonna animate it too.

I'm gonna be working on this at the same time with weresonknux, and it's gonna come out faster, cuz it's gonna be a smaller thing. I hope you're gonna like this UwU

Thank you for your support, stay tuned for updates in a couple of days!



Drake Arlin

I can not wait for this. That sketch up you did of them is amazing!